Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Wiki
Midgard Serpent


Loki's second son from the time of the Lands of Legend before his reincarnation into a new being; just like Fenrir, his brother, Jormungandr is also a half-Jotunn; and just like his older brother, his form is also monstrous, taking the form of a hideous giant snake. Originally a small serpent at birth, he was thrown into the seas of an ocean planet by the Asgardians, led by Odin Borson, to keep him devouring their world. Ironically, this is what caused him to grow large enough to encircle his entire prison world, no thanks to him devouring the many souls of those hapless enough to fall into the cracks beneath the sea. Being more beast than Asgardian, Jormungandr is even less than intelligent then Fenrir, and is single mindlessly obsessed with devouring deities. Only his father is an exception, and even then, he will not hesitate to attack him just enough to poison him severely.


Appearance & Personality[]


