Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Wiki


Max is the computer/robotic pilot that commands a Trimaxium Drone Ship of the planet Phaelon. He is currently the A.I. of the Highwind after Amos Slade found and reconfigured him for usage in space travel.

He is effectively the electronic brain/personality of a research ship - he identifies himself as a Trimaxium Drone Ship, much like the probes NASA launches to photograph distant stars etc. Max's purpose is to collect data from other planets and return the data and samples to his planet of origin: Phaelon. However, this mission is later rendered null and void when Phaelon is destroyed by the Darkhearts led by the Horned King.


Max is equipped with a faster than light drive of an undisclosed nature and a time travel function, allowing him to return samples exactly as found without a second missing in-between abduction and return. This means he does not disturb the environment he came to observe.
